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Meyers Bend Pentecostal Church - Pastor Terry Glaspell

Harrisonburg, LA


Spiritual Boot Camp

"Spiritual Boot Camp" Is a 120 day journey to developing a deep walk with God. After receiving warning from God of impending hardship to come, Evangelist Jeremiah Guendoo developed the sermon “Spiritual Boot Camp”. Along with the sermon, he would pass out handouts with instructions for those who wanted to o accept the challenge. But after preaching at his home church in Norfolk, VA, his Bishop, Michael Blankenship, encouraged him to develop it into an even greater resource to utilize.


The Spark of Revival

The Handbook to Harvest and Revival

About the Book

This is a question that many people, ministers, churches, and organizations have asked. Although there is no "One size fits all" plan for revival, there are key principles that are required and necessary.  In this book there are principles that will help you see revival in your life, and see the overflow of the Lord's harvest!


In this book, Evangelist Jeremiah Guendoo has done a masterful job of expressing the importance of the spark of revival. Revival should be at the heart of every individual in the church. Revival should be the motor that pushes the church forward to see souls saved. I recommend that every saint and ministry leader read


Evangelist Mark Drost

The Spark of Revival Journal:
365 Days of Activation and Accountability 


About the Book

The idea to have a journal came from a common problem known all too well. This problem is that  we often will read, learn, and have plenty of knowledge on how to do something, but we may not have any idea on how to start. Or, we simply lack the accountability to see our goals come to fruition.

This journal will help "Activate" you by giving you a 365 day guide to walking a spiritual walk, while also being given challenges to activate you into seeing the miraculous take place in you, and through you. This book will also bring accountability, so that you can stay on track with your spiritual walk.

This Journal goes hand in hand with "The Spark of Revival" book. It is heavily recommended that one reads that book before, or in tandem with using this journal.

This journal will work for anyone, at any stage of your spiritual walk, and is guaranteed to bring transformation at the end of the 365 day journey.


Evangelist Jeremiah Guendoo’s latest work, "The Spark of Revival" is a very good book with practical and helpful inspiration about the work of God in modern times.  I am happy to commend this book from one of my "son’s in the gospel" to anyone interested in seeing more of a move of God in our present time. 


Michael G. Blankenship

Senior Pastor | Bishop

Norfolk Apostolic Church

The Silent Killer of Spirituality

The Battle With Bitterness


About the Book

In this book, you will learn key biblical insights, and practical steps towards overcoming bitterness, unforgiveness, and hurt. You will see the good, bad, and ugly of what bitterness can do if not dealt with, but also what can come from it if processed properly. Learn how to cut the root of bitterness off now, so that it will not produce bitter fruit later on in your life.


“Live long enough, and Sooner or later, bitterness will come knocking on your door.  It visits upon us all.  The Silent Killer of Spirituality is an excellent treatment about dealing with one of the most menacing emotions we all must grapple with.  
I am very proud of Jeremiah as one of my sons in the Gospel for this good study on this much needed topic.  We all need to learn to walk in victory over bitterness.   This book will bless your soul.”

Michael G. Blankenship
Senior Pastor / Bishop
Norfolk Apostolic Church
Norfolk, Virginia 

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